The Guide House, Mansfield Road, Redhill, Arnold, 25 July 1977

Image ID: 10382

The Guide House, Mansfield Road, Redhill, Arnold, 25 July 1977

Courtesy of Reg Baker

Redhill, Mansfield Road

Prior to circa 1800 this area was considered to be the southern limit of Sherwood Forest. A professional guide to lead travellers safely through the forest to Mansfield could be hired from the now demolished 'Guide House', which stood on the eastern side of Mansfield Road to the north of Roscoe Avenue. Looking NE from Mansfield Road (A60/A614). The rear of the gateway near the lamp-standard, now boarded-up, can also be seen in NCCG000171. Details of the porch and balcony centre can be seen in NCCG000175 & NCCG000172. The carriageway entrance at the north end can be seen in NCCG000172. The outbuildings seen between the Guide House and the new house can be seen in detail in NCCG000174. The rear of the Guide-house can be seen in NCCG000170 & NCCG000171. Land to the north and east of the Guide House was being developed residentially. The tarpaulin sheet hanging in front of the building was blown off the roof in Gales, as did several pantiles, hence the oil-drum cum planks barricade on the footpath. Few pedestrians used the footpath as this was the last building in the urban area north of the City, and south of Halfway Houses on the A60, 3 miles away, and Rufford Road Cottages on the A614, 4 miles away.

Date: 25/07/1977

Organisation Reference: NCCG000173


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