South Notts Hussars, Front Street, Arnold, 1910

Image ID: 10451

South Notts Hussars, Front Street, Arnold, 1910

Front Street

The history of the South Nottinghamshire Hussars Yeomanry begins in 1794 with the formation of the Nottingham Troop under the command of Ichabod Wright. Further Troops were subsequently formed in Holme Pierrepont, Bingham, Wollaton and Watnall, with five Troops being regimented as 'The Southern Regiment of Nottinghamshire Yeomanry' in 1826. On several occasions they were called out in support of the civil powers to quell civilian unrest, most notably the Luddite, Chartist and Reform riots. Other than these disturbances the period until 1900 was occupied with training, which the Regiment became acknowledged as one of the finest Yeomanry Cavalry Regiments of the time. (information from The South Notts. Hussars wear the distinctive Oak Leaf cap badge.

Date: 1910

Organisation Reference: NCCG000242


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