Shambles Oak, Sherwood Forest, Edwinstowe, c 1880

Image ID: 12421

Shambles Oak, Sherwood Forest, Edwinstowe, c 1880

Sherwood Forest

Robin Hood's Larder was a large hollow oak tree where the Sherwood outlaws supposedly hung their venison after having stolen it from the King. They may have attempted to smoke it here. The tree was also sometimes known as the 'Shambles Oak' as this word has butchery associations. It has, unfortunately, disappeared in recent years; it was badly burnt by picnicking school girls in 1913 but survived until it succumbed to the power of the great gales of 1960. Birklands, surrounding the ancient tree, was the area of Sherwood Forest landscaped by the Dukes of Portland from nearby Welbeck Abbey. It was given lawns, flower-beds and ridings. Robin Hood's Larder stood near the Black Pool where the 6th Duke of Portland erected a quaint log cabin bought at a Russian exhibition in 1884. Being unstable, this was pulled down in the 1950s.

Date: 1880

Organisation Reference: NCCM000222


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