Midland Railway station, Langwith, 1871

Image ID: 12694

Midland Railway station, Langwith, 1871

Main Road

The newly constructed station at Langwith on the Midland Railway's Mansfield to Worksop line looking north. Closed to passengers in 1964 on withdrawal of the Nottingham to Worksop service under the Beeching Plan, the route was subsequently reopened as the Robin Hood Line in 1998. As part of this a new, more conveniently located station - named Langwith-Whaley Thorns - was opened about half a mile further north. By then the original station had been demolished (apart from the station house) but it had remained intact after 1964 for occasional miner's excursion trains until at least the 1970s. The main building (on the left here) was knocked down in 1978; the smaller structure (right) lasted some years longer before also being removed.

Date: 1871

Organisation Reference: NCCM000499


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