Newark Castle, c 1965 ?

Image ID: 12768

Newark Castle, c 1965 ?

Newark on Trent

The castle, less than a shell of its former self, was founded sometime after 1123 when Henry I allowed the Bishop of Lincoln to promote his fishpond to a moat and build a castle to guard the crossing of the Trent. The Crown took it over and it remained royal property until 1216 when King John died here. (His body was carried to Worcester for burial). Later, ownership was transferred back to the Bishops; they returned it in 1547 to the Crown. The town secured it in 1889 and created a garden out of the surviving ruins. In the Civil Wars it was a Royalist stronghold. Three times the Parliamentary forces tried to take it; three times they were driven off. At the end of the war the garrison was allowed to march out with full honours but the castle was demolished because 'the said castle is soe ruined that it will never be made habitable havinge nothinge left but Ruinous pieces of wall'.

Date: 1965

Organisation Reference: NCCM000573


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