Excavation on a Romano-British Site, Gringley on the Hill

Image ID: 13937

Excavation on a Romano-British Site, Gringley on the Hill

Mason's Farm
Gringley on the Hill

There are several documented mounds near to the village, which were it not for their size, might be man made. On them, however, there have been thrown up three others in ancient times, a small one to the west of the church, and two large ones on its eastern side, one of which is called Beacon Hill. These are evidently the remains of Saxon or Danish works, and the land, which is still called The Parks, is traditionally said to have belonged to a Saxon lord. As the sites of several Roman stations in the adjacent counties may be distinctly seen from this place, it has, no doubt, been used as an exploratory camp.

Date: 1900 - 1999

Organisation Reference: NCCN000337


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