The River Idle at Retford

Image ID: 14233

The River Idle at Retford

River Idle

The River Idle at one time powered Retford's Mills. It is formed by the junction of two streams a little north of Palethorpe. One tributary rises in the forest between Kirkby and Newstead Abbey, and is called the Maun; the other named the Meden, rises in the vicinity of Hardwick. The Idle, after this, runs nearly in a northerly direction through Thoresby and Houghton Parks, to Retford, where, after passing through the cars, it forms the boundary between the parishes of East and West Retford; its course then takes a zig-zag direction to Mattersey, thence northwest to Bawtry, where it suddenly alters its course to the east, forming for some distance the boundary between the counties of York and Nottingham, afterwards traversing the car near Misterton, it empties itself into the Trent near its junction with the Chesterfield Canal, at the north-eastern angle of the county. Formerly the Idle was navigable from the Trent to Bawtry for boats and other small craft.

Date: 1979

Organisation Reference: NCCN000634


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