Town Hall, Retford, 1940

Image ID: 15723

Town Hall, Retford, 1940

The Square

JS Piercy in his History of Retford (1828) says of the Town Hall, 'The foundation of the present structure was laid in the year 1756; great precaution was used to secure its permanency, in consequence of the defective state of the sub-soil, the corners as well as some other parts were laid upon old millstones: the elevation is from two plans, one by Mr. White, and another by Mr. Watson; the former gentleman devised the decorations over the centre window, the latter nearly the whole of the remainder. In the tympan, which forms a triangular projection, are placed the armorial bearings of the town, which are two falcons respecting each other, upon a handsome shield, cut in freestone. The centre of the roof is finished by a neat cupola, surmounted by the four quarters of the horizon and a weathercock; under this the bell on which the clock strikes, is suspended, and a dial is placed on each of the principal quarters. The entrance is at the north end.' (extracted from the excellent website)

Date: 1940

Organisation Reference: NCCN002329


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