Tuxford Church

Image ID: 15775

Tuxford Church

Newcastle Street

The church is dedicated to St. Nicholas and some members of the Stanhope family, of Rampton, and the mortuary of the family of White, of Wallingwells, are buried on the north side. Captain Charles Lawrence White, of the 3rd Foot Guards, was mortally wounded at Bayonne in 1814, and a tablet is here erected to his memory. But the principal antiquarian feature is a representation of the martyrdom of St. Lawrence, who was roasted on a gridiron at Rome during the sway of the Emperor Valerian. The details of the scene are brought out in a singular manner on a sculptured stone, which has suffered like many other monuments of the past, and is now inserted in the wall at the end of the south aisle. The church is the only ancient building in Tuxford, for the place was almost destroyed by fire in 1702, and the houses there were built mainly after this date.

Date: 1900 - 1999

Organisation Reference: NCCN002381


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