St John's Church, Gateford Road, Worksop, 1978

Image ID: 16563

St John's Church, Gateford Road, Worksop, 1978

Gateford Road

The existence of this church was due mainly to the efforts of George Savile Foljambe, Esq. The foundation stone was laid by the Viscountess Milton, on the 16th April, 1868. The plan consists of nave, chancel, north and south aisles, vestry, tower, and north porch; the clerestory is supported upon four clustered columns with moulded bases and carved caps. The aisles are lighted by two-light lancets; the piers are quatrefoil on plan, with carved caps and moulded bases. The chancel has three detached shafts and moulded arch and hood mouldings. The roof trusses are trefoil, ribbed principals, supported in detached stone shafts with carved caps and foliage corbels under bases. The tower is groined in stone, with moulded ribs, and is surmounted by a graceful spire, with large pinnacles at the four angles, and two tiers of Lucerne lights: the height to the top of vane is 150 feet. The belfry in the tower has a two-light window, and is arcaded all round. A reredos was erected by public subscription as a memorial to perpetuate the memory of the George Savile Foljambe, who endowed the church.

Date: 1978

Organisation Reference: NCCN003175


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