Hollies Farm, Edwalton

Image ID: 17690

Hollies Farm, Edwalton

Village Street

Edwalton developed, running east from what is now the Nottingham to Melton Road, as a linear settlement, close to the homestead of Aedwald, the Anglo-Saxon whose name Edwalton bears. Even by 1851, a Religious Census showed that Holy Rood Church there possessed only 120 places, slightly more than the village population. Until the 1880s, the recorded village population never exceeded 130 nor the housing 27. Edwalton was simply a small farming community. In 1880 Edwalton Station was opened on the Nottingham - London Midland railway line and the Chaworth-Musters family, who owned most of the village, began selling building plots. In ten years the village population doubled as Nottingham businessmen and their servants moved in. The village has now merged into the suburban expanse of West Bridgford.

Date: 1969 - 1970

Organisation Reference: NCCS000544


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