Castle Bicycle Club outside The Griffin Inn, Plumtree, c 1890-1900

Image ID: 19055

Castle Bicycle Club outside The Griffin Inn, Plumtree, c 1890-1900

Old Melton Road - Main Road

Plumtree is situated five miles south-east of Nottingham. The Turnpike road from Nottingham to Melton Mowbray used to run through the village, but now by-passes it as the A606. Its population in 1801 was 209; it reached a peak of 338 in 1831, since when it has declined, and is today (1991 census) 180. Plumtree remained a predominantly agricultural community, with little industry and few commuters until people were able to move by bus or car. The Griffin Inn, seen here, was built, in it's current form, in 1843 on the site of an older, smaller establishment. Little is known of the former establishment other than that materials relating to it and over three hundred years old have been uncovered by builders working on the current premises.

Date: 1890 - 1900

Organisation Reference: NCCS002438


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