Longden Almshouses, Bramcote, c 1900s

Image ID: 19253

Longden Almshouses, Bramcote, c 1900s

Town Street - Cow Lane junction

As seen from the south west. The foundation stone seen between the centre windows is engraved 'Alms Houses erected by Jane Longden, A.D. 1852'. Jane was the sister of John Sherwin Gregory who was one of the Sherwins of Bramcote Manor. Originally they were to provide homes for four poor women of the parish who were to receive two shillings weekly and two tons of coal each year. The almshouses were renovated and modernised with the help of a grant from Broxtowe Borough Council in 1984-5 and are listed buildings. See NCCS002060 for similar view taken in 1984.

Date: 1890 - 1900

Organisation Reference: NCCS002637


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