Houses at Epperstone, 1908

Image ID: 19669

Houses at Epperstone, 1908

Toad Lane area

This spot is The exact SK reference for this image is:SK483653 and is the point where the path across the fields (shown elsewhere in this date bracket) from Wash Bridge reaches Toad Lane. The hollow to the left of the picture and in front of the cottage (which still stands) was the site of what was until perhaps the 1970s a reliable spring. This spring fed a small stream that made its way across the more or less level fields to join the Dover Beck near Wash Bridge. So relible was this stream that Minnows and Sticklebacks, and in spring Tadpoles, could populate more or less its whole length. In this respect this stream was quite different in character from the transient rain water run off course that is bridged by Epperstone Main Street and which also reaches the Dover Beck at Wash Bridge. The later is a typical dumble stream cutting into the clay and disappearing in dry weather. The loss of the spring at Toad Lane was attributed to a fall in the water table as a result of coalmine drainage and pumping for water supply and irrigation. Ancient pollarded Willows still living near this point supply more evidence that there was permanent surface water here. Information supplied Richard J Brumpton.

Date: 1908

Organisation Reference: NCCS003055


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