St John's Church of England School, Nottingham Road, Stapleford, 1977

Image ID: 19827

St John's Church of England School, Nottingham Road, Stapleford, 1977

Courtesy of Reg Baker

Nottingham Road

Looking southeast from the playground at the front of the school. Information provided by the photographer, at the time it was taken: "The stones over the first and last windows bear embossed Coat of Arms of the Warren Family (Sir John Borlace), who lived at Stapleford Hall (long since gone), and were the founders of the school in 1837. The stone over the centre window is badly eroded, but part of 'National School' is still visible. The missing lettering is 'Founded 1837'. The centre part was originally the house of the Schoolmaster. Today this is used as the Headmaster's office. The kitchen at the rear part is used to prepare the meals, under the schoolmeals system, and the bedrooms (the only upper floor of the building), are used as stockrooms. The Headmaster at the time of the photograph was Mr J Sneath. The school was called St Johns to perpetuate the memory of Sir John Borlace Warren, at the request of his wife Caroline. They were a happy couple and devoted entirely to each other. in recent times a new inn has been opened in Stapleford called 'The Happy Man' and the sign depicts the head of Sir John, laughing heartily."

Date: 25/10/1977

Organisation Reference: NCCS003216


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