Beech House, near Main Street, Bulwell, 1901

Image ID: 19938

Beech House, near Main Street, Bulwell, 1901

Courtesy of Nottingham and Notts Photographic Society

Main Street area
Nottingham, Bulwell

Exact location not known. ..Beech House, nearby, which at one time stood in a suitable setting, and had a carriage drive and gateway off Main Street, is now penned in by streets and cottages. It was once the home of "Gentleman Walker" as we always named him. I am told that it was built by one of his family who went by the name locally of "Rattle-Jack Walker." A smooth, gassy sort of coal used to be carted from Bulwell to the gasworks at the price of one shilling per ton for transport. If the horse was strong enough and the cart big enough, and thirty hundredweight was taken, the princely sum of one-and-sixpence would be earned. If my information is correct, Mr. Walker would be a contractor. In the year 1815, the Misses Walsh, two maiden ladies, kept a "superior" school for girls at Beech House. Taken from Became Ravensworth Villas, unsure if building still exists.

Date: 18/05/1901

Organisation Reference: DD/1915/1/129


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