Woman Working Windlass, River Soar Ferry, Normanton on Soar, 1900

Image ID: 20013

Woman Working Windlass, River Soar Ferry, Normanton on Soar, 1900

River Soar Ferry
Normanton on Soar

Right bank of the River Soar showing a woman working the windlass to tighten the chain. The following is very kindly supplied by John Herrington: "..we have managed to identify the lady winding the windlass on the ferry. She was probably Kate Gaze. A resident in the village remembers her grandmother talking about this lady. Her grandmother lived in Normanton at that time and she used the ferry when she wanted to go into Loughborough".

Date: 01/06/1900

Organisation Reference: DD/1915/1/326


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This image is dedicated to Kate Gaze was ny aunt, my mother was Ida Gaze, her younger sister