White Swan, Church Street, Sutton in Ashfield

Image ID: 21320

White Swan, Church Street, Sutton in Ashfield

Church Street
Sutton in Ashfield

The White Swan, also known as the Swan Inn, is though to be the oldest inn in Sutton, dating from the 16th century. There is a reference to the Swan in 1578 when three Sutton Parishioners appeared at the Archdeacons court for 'Drinking Ale during the time of Divine Service'. The first building, constructed in stone, was put up during Elizabethan times, and an additional room had to be created later by tunnelling under what was then Swan Street. At one time it had stables for thirty horses. In 1628 the Duchess of Devonshire stopped at the White Swan for refreshment after attending the service at St Mary's. A later building, dating to the Georgian period survived until 1934, when the pub was rebuilt.

Date: 2001

Organisation Reference: NCCW000605


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