The Oak and The Ash

Image ID: 21851

The Oak and The Ash

Courtesy of Mansfield Library

Welbeck Abbey Park
Welbeck Abbey

Caption reads: On the West side of the lake is a fine grove of large oaks, which, one with another, measure from 12 to 22 feet in circumference. One of these trees is worthy of notice, being a singular lufus naturae, (see Plate VI.) which represents an ash growing out of the bottom of a large oak, to which it adheres to the height of about 6 feet, as at (a); it there separates, and leaves a space of near three feet in height; here, as if unwilling to be disunited, it stretches out an arm, or little protuberance, to coalesce again with the fostering Oak. Circumference near the ground, taking in both trees, 36 feet; at one yard, 18 feet 9 inches; circumference of the oak only at two yards, 15 feet 4 inches; the ash at two yards 6 feet in circumference; height of the oak 92 feet. In this drawing several oaks are left out in order to take in a more extensive view of the park.

Date: 1790

Organisation Reference: NCCW001191


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