View from Pelham Street

Image ID: 22192

View from Pelham Street

Courtesy of Purdy

Rock Valley

The bridge carries St Peter's Way. Metal Box premises on the extreme right. During the First World War there emerged a demand for a new product - the ration tin. However, there was a limited amount of tin available. As a consequence, the principal manufacturers worked in close co-operation with one another. In 1921 a number of leading firms came together within a single holding company, which the following the year took the name Metal Box & Printing Industries. During the 1920s the company set out to dominate the British tin container industry. When the Depression occurred the company's position was such that it benefited from the economic downturn, its smaller rivals being bankrupted, leaving it to expand its market share. In April 1989 the MB-Carnaud subsidiary of Metalbox merged CGIP of France's subsidiary Carnaud to form Carnaud-Metalbox. (information from During the second World War The Metal Box Company at Mansfield raised money for a Spitfire which was named 'Metabox'. The Metal Box Company, now Carnaud Metalbox Speciality packaging, continues in production today.

Date: 01/10/1973

Organisation Reference: NCCW001697


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