Frame of Pioneer Steam Bus

Image ID: 22354

Frame of Pioneer Steam Bus

Courtesy of Mansfield Museum & Art Gallery


Aptly christening their new steam powered motor bus owners quickly put 'The Pioneer' into regular working service commencing 1st July 1898. Fares were roughly a penny per mile along the daily passenger route between Warsop and Huthwaite. Other journeys along Nottingham Road and a long excursion into the Dukeries also proved successful, according to a report one week later describing it faultless and punctual while running some 50 to 60 miles daily without mishap. That was until return from a Horticulture Show on Saturday 22nd the same month. Official explanations claimed motor failure was caused by friction due to an oversight, suggesting tyres possibly even removed had given excessive vibration. A gentlemen's outfitter called Matthews & Sons took opportunity humorously placing an advertisement suggesting damage resulted from overloading, because so many of their customers had purchased sales garments. Their promotion offering payment for clients return fares did also predict quick repairs. Eventual rebuild claimed stronger replacement parts and the Pioneer recommenced services ending August, even though better rubber tyres had still not materialised. Further reports are yet to be found so it is presumed passenger service continued a little longer with fewer major problems. (information from

Date: 1900

Organisation Reference: NCCW001863


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