LMS Railway Station, Mansfield, 1963

Image ID: 22752

LMS Railway Station, Mansfield, 1963

Midland Station

This engine is one of the numerous ex-LMS 'Black 5' class. The 'headcode' (i.e. the oil-lamps positioned on the front of the engine, here located above each buffer) indicate this is an express-passenger train. Note the alpha-numeric Train Reporting Code, 1X29, on the board temporarily fixed below the chimney. 'X' indicates this is an excursion or special train, while '29' is the number of the train and '1' confirms it is an express-passenger. The configuration of the semaphore signals is unusual. They have been sited this way to prevent the structure across the end of the station train-shed obscuring the sight-lines of approaching drivers.

Date: 01/04/1963

Organisation Reference: NCCW002263


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