Rufford Country Park, Ollerton, 1974

Image ID: 23139

Rufford Country Park, Ollerton, 1974

Courtesy of North Notts Newspapers Ltd

off Old Rufford Road

Extensive as it was, Rufford was never one of the estates which comprised the Dukeries because its owners were never Dukes. The abbey originally belonged to the Cistercians, the white monks, who sought the most desolate places this land must have been when Gilbert de Gaunt, Earl of Lincoln, granted it to them in 1148. At the Dissolution the estate came into the hands of Bess of Hardwick. In the seventeenth century it passed to the Saviles, whose most famous member, Sir George, became Marquis of Halifax. During the Second World War the house was occupied by the army and in the 1950s it was almost entirely demolished, but the Department of the Environment is repairing the house and the county has created an information centre at Rufford Mill and is restoring the grounds. Taken from North Notts Newspapers.

Date: 01/05/1974

Organisation Reference: NCCW002653


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