Harlequins Jazz Band on parade in Hucknall Market Place, 1935

Image ID: 24460

Harlequins Jazz Band on parade in Hucknall Market Place, 1935

Market Place

See also NCCC001119. The band seems to be playing 'Kazoo' type trumpets. The right hand part of the Co-operative building with the semi-circular window is still there today. Website contributor Karen Moran very kindly relates the following information: "The picture of the Harlequins in the market square was taken in 1935, I know this because my mother was in the Carnival band and was put in the band by her father when she was just 8 years old. My Grandfather was the Vice Chair and Secretary of the Harlequins. My late Uncle Albert, her brother, was in the band as well and both can be seen in some of the publicity photographs from the Hucknall Library Dispatch. My mother was also attendant to the Children's Street Carnival Queen when she was just 10 years old... The Carnival was the highlight of the year in Hucknall Library and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who lined the high street to watch them".

Date: 1935

Organisation Reference: NCCC000546


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