Derby Road, Eastwood, c 1950s

Image ID: 24921

Derby Road, Eastwood, c 1950s

Courtesy of Mr George L Roberts

Derby Road

Looking east from Derby Road over the crossroads that historically represents the centre of Eastwood. Straight ahead is Nottingham Road, to the left is Mansfield Road and to the right Church Street. Barclays Bank occupies the left-hand building in this view and Skelton's chemists shop is on the extreme right. The spire of Eastwood Congregational Church (since demolished) can be picked out in the distance. The area in the foreground was once part of the town's market place and is mentioned in D H Lawrence's novel Sons and Lovers(1913): 'Mrs Morel loved her marketing. In the tiny market place on the top of the hill, where four roads, from Nottingham and Derby, Ilkeston and Mansfield meet, many stalls were erected.' Later in the 20th century the road junction here was considerably altered to ease traffic flow through the town, several buildings being removed including that occupied by Skelton's. In the 1990s further work was done to create a separate route for northbound traffic towards Mansfield as part of a superkarket development, leaving the original alignment here in use for southbound vehicles only.

Date: c 1950

Organisation Reference: NCCC001015


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