St Helen's Church

Image ID: 26415

St Helen's Church

Courtesy of Burton Joyce and Bulcote Local History Society

Church Road

Burton Joyce's church is dedicated to St. Helen (who was the supposedd daughter of 'Old King Cole' and the mother of King Constantine.) A church is mentioned in the Domesday Book, and later the Norman overlords built a small church of triassic sandstone probably on the site of the wide north aisle. In the 13th century, the building was extended southwards to its present extent in the Early English style, the Chancel being later rebuilt in the late Perpendicular style. Unfortunately, in the 1870s its dilapidated state necessitated an extremely thorough restoration carried out by Thomas H. Wyatt in 1879. In the 20th century a Vestry has been added at the NE corner, and a Church Centre built with a link to the south porch. Features of historical interest are the 13th century tracery of the east window of the north aisle, a medieval altar slab, a hagioscope between N aisle and Chancel, the tomb with effigy of Sir Robert de Jorz, and 2 alabaster incised tombstones. There are 3 windows by C.E. Kempe and 2 of modern glass. The church was sympathetically refurbished in 1997 and features a specially designed hand-made carpet for the centre aisle 'The Pathway of Life'.

Date: 1983

Organisation Reference: NCCC002426


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