Hawker Hurricane Fighter

Image ID: 27726

Hawker Hurricane Fighter


This Hawker Hurricane was purchased through donations from the villages of southern Nottinghamshire and in recognition of this fund raising it was named "South Notts". Delivered to No 601 Squadron in April 1941, it served with the squadron until late August 1941 when it was returned to the maintenance unit for modifications and preparation for shipment to the Soviet Union, being one of 2,952 Hurricanes presented to the wartime ally. In its original configuration, the machine was fitted with 12 .303 machine guns, but these were reduced to eight before shipment. It had provision for two underwing petrol tanks and was fitted with a Merlin XX. 1,280hp engine with two stage supercharger. The plane arrived in Russia on 22 October 1941. The location of this view was originally identified as RAF Hucknall, but website contributor David Birch indicates that it is not. Can anyone suggest a likely location and indeed the aircraft's eventual fate?

Date: 1940 - 1950

Organisation Reference: NCCC000038


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