Celebration at Stapleford, early 1900s?

Image ID: 33099

Celebration at Stapleford, early 1900s?

Church Street

A Mr B Savage sent us this information: 'I think that it is the hall of Church Street Boys School. I remember the balcony and the stage below. As one of the school choir and also lead singers,there was three of us ,I well remember standing there on that stage when we did Carol concerts at Christmas. Beyond the large window on the right of the photograph was a corridor and beyond that the side of the building which overlooked the Girls school, separated by a wall. In those days we were seperate, girls and boys, each occupying two different buildings with seperate playgrounds. I'd moved up to Church Street school when I reached age 11. Wthin a couple of years they had opened Bramcote Hills Secondary Modern Boys school and so we were all transferred up there.'

Date: 1900 - 1910

Organisation Reference: NCCS002293


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