The Lodge' Annesley Park, Annesley Road, Annesley, c 1910?

Image ID: 00380

The Lodge' Annesley Park, Annesley Road, Annesley, c 1910?

Annesley Road (A611)

This is Butler's Lodge, now Annesley Hall Lodge. The hall dates back to the Medieval period - an arcade post of a medieval aisled hall was found in the hall wall during restoration work in he mid-1980s. The central part of the hall dates to the 17th century, and was altered and enlarged in the 19th century. Annesley Hall is an ancient manor house set in a seventeenth century landscape park of around 250ha. The hall is grade II listed, as are other parts of the park, such as the terrace to the south-west of the hall, and the gate-house. Nearby are the ruins of the grade I listed old Annesley Church. Annesley Hall contains many trophies calling to memory the great men who have made it their home. Portraits of the Byrons, the Chaworths, and the Musters adorn the walls. Some text taken from

Date: 1910

Organisation Reference: NCCA000116


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