Demolition of Co-operative Society buildings, Stapleford

Image ID: 41950

Demolition of Co-operative Society buildings, Stapleford

Courtesy of Reg Baker

Albert Street

These were was originally part of Stapleford and Sandiacre Co-operative Society (flats were afterwards built at this location). From the 1770's many co-operative enterprises were tried throughout the length and breadth of the country. Many of these early ventures failed but in 1844 a group of hand loom weavers from Rochdale found the right combination and formed the 'Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society', who are now regarded as the oldest retail co-operative in the world. News of the Rochdale example spread throughout the country and very soon many others were eager to emulate and reap the benefits from this novel method of trading. 1850 saw the formation of the Derby Co-operative Society, a group of carpenters and joiners which remained exclusive to members of that profession until 1860. It was not until they introduced open membership that the society began to grow. In the 1860's, waves of new societies sprang up helped along by the second Industrial and Provident Act of 1862 which gave the new co-operative societies the status of limited liability which helped reduce the financial risks involved when setting up a new trading society. Amongst the new societies born in the 1860's were those of nearby Nottingham and Long Eaton. The society spread into providing Personal Loans for members to purchase houses or business tools and by 1872 news of the success of the Long Eaton Society had spread to the surrounding villages of Sandiacre, Sawley and Breaston who were keen to join Long Eaton as branches. After due consideration the groups were told to 'start on their own merits' but they would 'give them all the information we can'. This was a missed opportunity because the Sandiacre group made a success of it and later went on to join the Stapleford Society. All were later amalgamated into the Greater Nottingham Co-operative Society.

Date: 1977

Organisation Reference: NCCS001690


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