Whit Walk, Forest Road and Mansfield Road Junction, Skegby, c 1909

Image ID: 42284

Whit Walk, Forest Road and Mansfield Road Junction, Skegby, c 1909

Forest Road and Mansfield Road Junction

Scene opposite the Greyhound Public House. The shop in the centre now a ladies hairdressers. The lady in large white hat is Miss Olive Kirk. The Organist is Mr Matthew Pickard who married Miss Kirk's sister Clara. The banner is believed to have been that of the MEthodist Chapel which used to stand next to the Greyhound. Miss Kirk's brother, Albert, was for many years the shoe repairer in Skegby. He lived behind his shop, now no.222 Mansfield Road, Skegby, used in 1982 as 'Country Kitchen'.

Date: c 1909

Organisation Reference: NCCA000162


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