The Newark Union Workhouse at Claypole, and old medieval bridge over the River Witham

Image ID: 42697

The Newark Union Workhouse at Claypole, and old medieval bridge over the River Witham

Courtesy of Newark Advertiser

River Witham
Claypole, Lincolnshire

Up until the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act, poor people of any parish were dealt with in a variety of ways: The Poor were maintained in some areas in a Workhouse and some in their own homes, given funds from their parish. However, with the growth in population numbers, which had steadily been increasing from the end of the 1700s, and the movement of people from rural areas into towns, it was soon realised that the old systems of relief were no longer adequate and needed to be reformed. This text and further information: copyright Peter Higginbotham.This illustration of 1905, published in The Newark Advertiser, shows The Claypole Workhouse standing behind the old medieval bridge over the River Witham. This stone bridge dating from c 1350 had two pointed arches, each with four ribs and the river bed was stone paved beneath to allow the smooth through-flow of water. The parapet had a bold cove moulding at the top, and above the piers were the usual medieval 'V' shaped refuges for people to take shelter when crossing at the same time as wagons or herds of animals. It had steps at the side leading down to the water. It was sadly demolished in 1905.

Date: 1905

Organisation Reference: NCCE001978


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