Aerial View of Daybrook Laundry, Mansfield Road, Daybrook c 1952

Image ID: 42799

Aerial View of Daybrook Laundry, Mansfield Road, Daybrook c 1952

Mansfield Road

The Old Spot pub and Mansfield Road in the foreground.The Daybrook laundry company was founded by Samuel Robinson as far back as 1875, on the site, taking advantage of a natural spring on the west side of Mansfield rd in Daybrook, Nottm. His brother John Robinson founded the brewery, Home Ales, also based at the site of a spring, just across the same road. the unlimited water supply was a crucial part of the laundry, and helped the business become established. by 1910 the firm had around 4000 customers, and 17 horse drawn vehicles were involved in the collection/delivery service, 600 staff washed, dried ironed and folded some 100,000 items every week! laundry was pegged out in 'drying fields' at the rear of the site, over the course of the 20th century, mechanisation crept in, with drying, pressing and folding machines used,but as more people bought washing machines from the 60's onwards, the laundry's work started to decline, in the latter years of it life, the laundry switched from domestic laundry to restaurant work, linen and towels for hotels, and other more commercial work. eventually, competition from other firms, led to fewer and fewer contracts, and in 2002, the firm was sold to the Sunlight services group, and work at Mansfield rd ceased. The main building is regarded by some as a fine example of 1930's art deco design,but a bid to protect it with listed status was turned down.

Date: c 1952

Organisation Reference: NCCG000186


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