Victoria Hospital, Memorial Avenue, Worksop

Image ID: 42945

Victoria Hospital, Memorial Avenue, Worksop

Memorial Avenue

Worksop Victoria Hospital opened as a cottage hospital on 29th March, 1900 with five beds and staffed with a House Surgeon, two Honorary Surgeons, a Matron and three Probationer Nurses - there were 59 patients during the year, the income was £487:12s:6d. and the expenditure £505:4s:3d. Thirty years later, 812 patients were treated, the income was £7,326 and expenditure £6,751. A penny in the pound workers contributory scheme raised £4,300 while the Gloops Club donated a cot to the childrens wing. The old Victoria Hospital has since been demolished and a Netto supermarket is now built on the site.

Organisation Reference: NCCN002215


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