The Lodge, Carlton Hall, Carlton in Lindrick, c 1900s

Image ID: 42992

The Lodge, Carlton Hall, Carlton in Lindrick, c 1900s

Carlton in Lindrick

The Hall, a beautiful modern mansion in a fine vale, a little west of South Carlton, was built by Mrs Ramsden, grandmother to Robert Ramsden Esq., the present lord of the manor, and principal owner. George Savile Foljambe, John Hunt, Edward Challenger and John Vessey Machine Esqs., Mrs Ann Spurr and the rector have estates here, the latter of whom received his portion at the enclosure in 1767, as a commutation of all the tithes of the parish, which contains 1,092 inhabitants and 4,070 acres of land. Quoted from Whites Directory of 1953 and from: Copy of a postcard by ELS, reference 213-3.

Date: c 1900

Organisation Reference: NCCN003059


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