Richard Whalley's Tomb, St Wilfred's Church, Car Colston Road, Screveton, 1899

Image ID: 43051

Richard Whalley's Tomb, St Wilfred's Church, Car Colston Road, Screveton, 1899

Courtesy of Nottingham and Notts Photographic Society

Car Colston Road

This alabaster monument to  tomb Richard Whalley, who died in 1584; the carvings are of his three wives and twenty four children.The inscription on the tomb reads:<br />"Behold his Wives were number three :<br />Two of them died in right good fame :<br />The Third this Tomb erected she,<br />For him who well deserv'd the same.<br />Both for his life and Godly end,<br />Which all that knows must  needs commend:<br />And they that knows not, yet may see,<br />A worthy Whalleye loe was he.<br />Since time brings all things to an end,<br />Let us our selves applye,<br />And learn by this our faithful friend,<br />That here in Tombe doth lye,<br />To fear the Lord, and eke beholde<br />The fairest is but dust and Mold:<br />For as we are, so once was he :<br />And as he ys, so must we be.For further information on Richard Whalley see article at: church is late 12th and early 13th century Church with 15th century tower and some interesting misericord carvings on the ends of pews; Grade I listed - further detailed information of which can be found at:

Date: 1899

Organisation Reference: NCCV000137


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