St Peter's Parish Church, Kirk Hill, East Bridgford, 1974

Image ID: 43151

St Peter's Parish Church, Kirk Hill, East Bridgford, 1974

Courtesy of Bernard and Pauline Heathcote Photographic Collection

Kirk Hill - Trent Lane
East Bridgford

South side. The church has 9th Century foundations, but the main structure of the Church is medieval 14th century. It was rebuilt in 1778 by Francis Moore, in a sympathetic medieval style, and further restored in 1862 and 1901-4 and 1913 by Ponting of Wiltshire. There are some interior remains of 14th century; floor tiles and stained glass fragments in the chancel. The are some interesting gargoyles on the outside of the church.

Date: 27/01/1974

Organisation Reference: NCCV000237


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