Manor House, Manor Street, Sneinton, Nottingham, c 1880

Image ID: 43270

Manor House, Manor Street, Sneinton, Nottingham, c 1880

Courtesy of Nottingham and Notts Photographic Society

Manor Street
Nottingham, Sneinton

This building was demolished by 1894. Manor Street now stands at this location. The architecture suggests this to be a late 1600's-early 1700's manor house. White's Directory of Nottinghamshire 1853 gives the following information about Sneinton and the Manor:- 'Sneinton Parish forms a populous eastern suburb of Nottingham, and has partaken so largely of the prosperity of that town, that since the year 1801 its population has increased more than twelve fold, so that it now amounts to 8,440 souls in 1851, living in the hamlets of Old Sneinton, Middle Sneinton, Element Hill and The Hermitage. Most of this augmentation has taken place during the last thirty years, and it now contains 1,728 houses, of which 37 were building and 9 were uninhabited. They now form many handsome streets, extending on the Southwell and Carlton Roads, to the eastern limits of Nottingham, though the old village is more than a mile east of the Market place. The parish contains 843 acres of rich, strong, clay land. Earl Manvers is lord of the manor, and owns about two-thirds of the parish. It was originally crown land, but King John granted it to William de Brimere, from whom it went, in the reign of Edward I, to Tibetot, and was held of him at the same time by Robert Pierrepont, by the service of a pair of gloves or one penny. It has continued ever since in the Pierrepont family, who gave the common, near St Ann's Well, to the parishioners.' The population of Sneinton increased dramatically during the Victorian Period Population:- In 1801 it was only 558, by 1851 it was 8,440. In 1901 it had grown to 23,093.

Date: c 1880

Organisation Reference: NCCV000366


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