Crowds on Market Street at an event in Southwell

Image ID: 04347

Crowds on Market Street at an event in Southwell

Courtesy of The Dean and Chapter of Southwell Minster

Market Street

Crowds during a parade. Its not known what this event is for and there is no date for this photograph, though the style of clothes in this and related photo's (see NCCE000483, NCCE000485, NCCE000486, NCCE000489) indicate that it's dated somewhere around 1895-1905. It could be to celebrate anything from Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee (1897), the Coronation of Edward VII (1901), the Boer War (1899-1902) or some local event ?. Note the clothes of small thin person on the left, standing watching the ladies, who looks as though he may be a jockey.

Date: 1895 - 1905

Organisation Reference: NCCE000484


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