St Augustine's Parish Church, Flintham, Interior, Monument effigy in the nave

Image ID: 04493

St Augustine's Parish Church, Flintham, Interior, Monument effigy in the nave

Courtesy of Reg Baker

Off Inholmes Road, near the Hall

The church was originally 12th century with the typical 'west tower and nave to the east' arrangement, but was altered into a cruciform pattern in the 13th century. The church was then altered, yet again, in 1828 into its present form by Mr Nicholson of Southwell, under direction from the Hildyard family of Flintham Hall. The arched opening to what would have been the transept at the base of the tower can be seen here, and contains a late perpendicular style window. There is only one other church in Nottinghamshire to have its tower in the centre, and that is at Normanton on Soar. See also NCCE000506 to ..519. This effigy dates c 1330, and is of a knight in armour, legs crossed (which usually indicates the they had been on Crusades in the Holy Land) with sword and shield bearing the arms of Hose.

Date: 31/10/1978

Organisation Reference: NCCE000516


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