Newark High School for Girls, Newark

Image ID: 05149

Newark High School for Girls, Newark

Courtesy of Antoine

London Road
Newark on Trent

Newark High School for Girls (subsequently Lilley and Stone School, and now (2003) The Newark High (Comprehensive School), London Road, Upper VIth, October 1954. This picture was taken behind the 6th form block in the 6th form garden (demolished in the 1960's). Part of the Gymnasium is visible on the left. Showing right to left, back row: Pat Speed, Maureen ?, Marion Challons, Maureen Boothby, Barbara Furley, Janet Ede, Jill Fletcher, Eirlys Meredith; middle row: Mary Popplestone, Mary Cathro, Jean Swinscoe, Anne Tomlinson, Teresa Pitchfors, Sybil Davenport, Eileen Hague, Ann Lynch, Celia Bissell, Maureen Everett; front row: Ann Straw (School Librarian), Marian Townrow (Deputy Games Captain), Valerie Gelsthorpe (Games Captain, Miss Turner (Teacher), Anne Spafford-Jones (Head Girl), Anne Brookes, Christine ?.

Date: 01/10/1954

Organisation Reference: NCCE000722


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