The Parish Church of Holy Trinity, Rolleston

Image ID: 06127

The Parish Church of Holy Trinity, Rolleston

Courtesy of Reg Baker

Holy Trinity Parish Church

The picture is taken looking north west. Pevsner notes that the church dates from the 13th century, although it was greatly restored in 1895-6 by C Hodgson Fowler, who was born at Rolleston and whose father and grandfather were vicars in the village. Clearly shown in the photograph is the tower, the base of which (notes Pevsner) is Norman. The top of the tower, meanwhile, he describes as 'of the proudest Trent Valley type, with two large two-light transomed Perpendicular bell stage openings on each side, battlements, and eight pinnacles (rebuilt 1889-90). The middle pinnacles are corbelled out, the corbels starting out of the ogee arches which tie the two windows together' - this, notes Pevsner, is an original and successful motif.

Date: 27/09/1979

Organisation Reference: NCCE000971


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