The Grove

Image ID: 06580

The Grove

Courtesy of Antoine


The grove dates from the late 18th Century and was built by Roger Pocklington (builder of Winthorpe Hall) for his son, also Roger, on the occasion of his marriage. The Grove may, indeed, have been designed by the same architect who finished Winthorpe Hall. Following the decline of the Pocklington family fortunes in the early years of the 19th Century, the Grove was frequently rented out by the owner of the Winthorpe Hall Estate. Mr J.I. Marfleet (maltster) was living at the Grove in 1832, and in 1861 Wright's Directory gives the occupant as Mr C.C. Foottit. At the Winthorpe Hall Estate sale in 1867 The Grove was bought by Mr J.J.Marfleet. It was following this sale that the house was enlarged by the addition of side wings. Architecturally, Pevsner considers the house to be undistinguished. He states 'A perron leads up to a pedimented entrance into the piano nobile as at Winthorpe [Hall], though totally without it's elegance. Three-light sashes to the main floor, with semicircular windows above. No grandeur about the plan either: just a narrow hall with a plain dog-leg stair'.

Date: 1949

Organisation Reference: NCCE001053


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