Ye Olde Jug and Glass Inn, c 1920

Image ID: 07244

Ye Olde Jug and Glass Inn, c 1920

Courtesy of Edwinstowe Historical Society

High Street

The original building on the site was also known as The Jug and Glass, in the 1890s the proprietor was then Charles Watkin. His wife Ann Watkin became the proprietor on his death and managed a major Victorian make over of the building at the turn of the century. Ann Watkin was still the proprietor at the time of this photograph. In the doorway stands Edith Ann Watkin her daughter who in 1905 married Herbert Woodhead. In front of her is her first daughter Edith Woodhead, known as Edie, who would marry Ernest Cole and live in Church Street. (Additional information very kindly supplied by John Woodhead).

Date: 1920

Organisation Reference: NCCE001185


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