Newark Castle & Trent Bridge looking south

Image ID: 07904

Newark Castle & Trent Bridge looking south

Courtesy of Antoine

Town Wharf
Newark on Trent

Visible in the picture are Newark Castle (centre), The Gilstrap Free Library (left) and Newark's Trent Bridge (right). Also of interest is the activity shown on the Town Wharf (left foreground). In the 1920's sand, gravel and logs were sold directly from the wharf. Here we see what appears to be a large pile of sand or gravel flanked by two piles of unworked logs. Having been transported to the wharf by water, it is presumed these items are waiting to be sold. The gravel was hand screened on the wharf. Shown are the ruins of what was once a remarkable castle. The site has revealed Saxon remains, and there is evidence of Norman habitation, but the castle remains seen here were built c 1133 by Alexander 'The Magnificent', Bishop of Lincoln, with gatehouse, free-standing chapel (now gone) and long and high river front (265 ft long, 170 ft high), containing a watergate. A later bishop, perhaps Henry De Burghersh (1320-40) rebuilt the curtain walls in different shaded oolite and sandstone and added traceried arched windows, and yet another bishop, Thomas Rotherham (1471-80), added the Oriel windows to light the new hall and upper storey that he had put in. Henry VIII took over the castle during the Reformation, but it was allowed to deteriorate. In 1581, it was leased to the Earl of Rutland who modernised what was left as a residence, adding fireplaces and window glass (luxury!). It then passed to his son, Lord Burghley, who made it so comfortable that in 1603, the new King, James I, stayed there. It's association with royalty from hereon ultimately led to its downfall. During the Civil War, 1642-46, Newark held out for the Royalist cause and the Castle became a Royalist garrison and stronghold, until told to surrender by King Charles I, who was staying at nearby Southwell. After this the townsfolk were ordered to demolish all siegeworks, including the castle. Stone and timber was taken for building use elsewhere and squatters moved into parts of what was left. Despite all this, it still remained a Crown possession, and in 1845-8 it became the first monument to be restored at government expense. Situated within the grounds of Newark Castle, the Gilstrap Free Library was the first public library in Newark. It was the gift to the town of the prominent local maltster (Sir) William Gilstrap. Costing

Date: 1920

Organisation Reference: NCCE001710


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