Ossington House: The garden front during restoration

Image ID: 08128

Ossington House: The garden front during restoration

Ossington House

One of a series of pictures showing the house during a period of restoration. Built in the 18th century, Ossington House was the former vicarage for the village of Ossington. Following the end of World War II the living of Ossington was combined with that of Kneesall and the incumbent's residence was relocated there. After a period when the house was let out, Ossington House became the residence of Colonel and Mrs Denison (formerly of Ossington Hall, and of the family of the 1st Viscount Ossington, John Evelyn 'Speaker' Denison, whose pictures can be seen at NCCE001929-31) in the late 1950s. Many alterations were made to the old vicarage, such as pulling down the former laundry at the rear, construction of a new wing on the garden side, and the rebuilding of the entrance front to remove all Victorian accretions. All the new building and alterations were carried out by Ossington estate staff and took about two years. Using reclaimed brick for the new building work, and reglazing windows in a sympathetic style, the finished result returned the house to its eighteenth century appearance.

Date: 01/05/1956

Organisation Reference: NCCE001935


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