Elston Mill, Mill Road, Elston, 1923-4

Image ID: 09214

Elston Mill, Mill Road, Elston, 1923-4

Courtesy of Peabody Collection

Mill Road

Built in 1844 and known as 'the black giant' Elston mill passed to the Gash family in 1919. Here, and at another mill in Long Bennington, they produced foodstuffs for farm animals. In the 1920s, however, Elston Mill became the original base of William Gash's bus service. The sails were removed in 1940 during the second World war in order that it would be less of a navigation aid to German aircraft looking to attack the nearby airfield at Syerston. In the late 1960's the mill was owned by Klinger Manufacturing who was a major supplier of texturised continuous filament which was used by the textile industry to produce items such as ladies stockings, leisure shirts, gentlemens socks etc. The nearby Cressbrook Mill was also owned by Klinger but was mainly used for storage.

Date: 1923 - 1924

Organisation Reference: NCCE003178


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