Hardy's Yard, Newark, early 20th century

Image ID: 09489

Hardy's Yard, Newark, early 20th century

Courtesy of T Healey

Hardy's Yard
Newark on Trent

Hardy���s Yard: Picturesque as it may seem, with its window boxes of geraniums and whitewashed walls, but as one of the plethora of long, narrow ���yards��� which emanated from the south side of Newark���s Market Place, it came to be seen as unhealthy, overcrowded and insanitary ��� the whitewash was an attempt to magnify the meagre sunlight which penetrated into such yards. Most of Newark���s ���yards��� were demolished in the 1930s ��� 50s; only the names survive on old street signs. At around the time this picture was taken in the early 1900s Hardy's Yard was home to upwards of 30 people.

Date: 1900 - 1999

Organisation Reference: NCCE003484


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