The Saracen's Head Hotel, Market Place, Southwell, 1995

Image ID: 09962

The Saracen's Head Hotel, Market Place, Southwell, 1995

Courtesy of Nottinghamshire County Council

Market Place

The Saracens Head was once known as the King's Arms and parts of the hotel date back as far as the 12th Century and many of these parts were used in the rebuilding during the 16th Century. Parts of the hotel were once part of Southwell's Town Assembley Rooms built in 1818, with other additions being as late as the 1970s. There are Elizabethan wall paintings, which were discovered during renovation in the 1980s, on display in two of the oldest rooms at the hotel. The hotel has had visits from the likes of Richard I and II, King John, Henry II, Edwards I-IV, James IV and King Charles who stayed at the Inn prior to raising the Royal Standard at Nottingham Castle which signalled the start of the Civil War in 1942.

Date: 01/11/1995

Organisation Reference: NCCE003964


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